Moshe and Chaya Klein (Little Peoples)


Dear Bistritzky Family,
I was most sorry to hear of the passing of your dear father.
I remember frequent trips to the Lower East Side when I was a child especially to go to his store.
The fact that he established Hatzalah here in Crown Heights was a most wonderful thing that remains a stellar and vital part of our community today. 
Yingy has followed in his footsteps in a memorable way, devoting his precious time to those in need round the clock.
All of his children have gone on to raise their own families and each has made an imprint in the Jewish and more specifically, Chabad world.
He was zocheh to live to see that.
May Hashem comfort all of you at this time. May your father be a guteh beter for your family and for all Klal Yisroel. May your family be blessed with joy, nachas and simcha and know no more tzaar.
Hamokom yenachem eschem b’soch shaar aveilei Zion v’Yerushalayim.
Moshe and Chaya Klein (Little Peoples)