TIOFH – Dov (Bernard) Revel Stamp Unveiled

On September 9, 1985 there was an unveiling Ceremony of the Bernard Revel Commemorative U.S. postage stamp in honor of his 100th birthday and the 100th year of the school.Bernard Revel Stamp

Dov Revel was married to Aunt Chaya Sara Travis – Zaidy Travis sister. He was the first president of Yeshiva University.

For more about Yeshiva University and Dov Revel click here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Revel

and here http://www.yu.edu/about/history/revel/

Revel book Cover


To read a biography on Bernard Revel by the famous Aaron Rothkoff click here Bernard Revel Builder of American Jewish Orthodoxy to open and download the book in pdf form.



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revel Stamp party
L-R Mendy, Raizy, ZC holding Shloime, Ruchama, Uncle Abie, Schneur, Shulie, Mommy, Bracha (Pearl) Fischer, Ariel Fisher, Sheila holding Devora, aunt Miriam and uncle Joe

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Revel Stamp order form

Revel Stamp order form1

revel einstein
OCTOBER 1934 Albert Einstein receives an honorary degree.
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A letter acknowledging receipt of Dov Revel books, Seforim and papers that Mommy donated to the school after Aunt Sarah left it all to her.