Kiddush Sponsored in Honor of Daddy – Isaac Neumann & Alana Karp

May 30, 2013
Isaac Neumann & Alana Karp

Dear Isaac & Alana,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous contribution of $530.00 to
Chabad of the West Side on 5/29/13 L’zecher Nishmas Yehuda Leib Ben Mordechai.
Your sponsorship of the  Shul’s kiddush is appreciated by everyone at Chabad.

Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, (Hayom Yom 27 Elul), taught that Hashem
makes the material from the spiritual and the Jewish people transform the material into the
spiritual. At our weekly kiddushim, we see how the good food and social companionship are a
forum for growth in Torah and Mitzvot.

Rabbi Kugel
Chabad of the West Side