susan (and heshey) samet

Ruchama & Family
so sorry to have heard about the loss of your father a’h – i remember as a child growing up (though i had not known you at the time) always hearing the name Leibel Bisritzky synanymous with the great lower east side – i knew then how much he did for klal yisroel although i was too young to understand at the time what a big impact he had – i later knew of him when shiela (shulamis bergman) became engaged to yossi) and heard even more about how much he was still doing – i remember the excitement we shared at your yossi’s (joey’s) wedding just a few months ago when he attended your simcha (and i think that actually made your simcha so much more meaningful for you (though i know how much you missed your mom’s participation (physically) with him.- we reminesced about his trip to see your brother become the chief rabbi in germany and how much that meant to him to see another generation doing the work that we were ousted from only a short 50 years (or less) before – he was zoche to a beautiful family to be so proud of – i remember the kibud av v’em that you showed them and how devoted a daughter you were and still are to them, running at every opportunity (especially with your hectric and challenging schedules) – he surely earned this, though probably was to humble to expect it – may his zchusim escort him to the kisei hakavod where he will be a meilitz yosher for you, and the entire family and continue his work for klal yoisroel in the olam haemes. hamakom yenachem etchem btocch shaar aveilei tziion v’yerushalyim – i can only imagine the stories that you will now discover about your father a’h, that will work as a comfort to you as you get through this challenging time in yoour lives. susan (and heshey) samet