TIOFH – Yartzheits Of Levi And Rochma Lagovier – Postcard From Drancy, France Camp

The following postcard was found recently Among Omi A”H papers and translated below. 

It was sent from Ruchma to her nephew while they were in the holding camp in Drancy, France. The postcard is dated October 19th 1942 about 3 weeks before they were put on a transport to Auschwitz on November 11th 1942

For more about the Drancy camp and the transport they were on please click here where I posted the information.  

Post Marked
October, 19 1942
Drancy, France
Rochma Lagovier
Bloc II  Escalier (staircase) 7
Chamber (room) 5
Addressed to:
Monsieur Chaime Blum (* Rochma’s nephew – more about Chaim below) 
La Prunerie
Marsac Dordogne, France


“My dear brother and family.
Could you please send me a food package.
I’m doing well but Levy is weak.
How are you?
I hope you are all right.
Please write me I would like to get some news from you.
I hope you will be able to send me a package and thank you in advance for that.
There is nothing here and I’m wearing my summer coat, but what can we do?

Rochma Lagovier”


* Chaim Blum was married to Zeesale Krieger who the daughter of uncle Hershel Krieger, Ruchma’s brother, who may have been living at his daughters house which is why the letter is addressed to “my dear brother”

Thank you to Dovid & Leah Rhein for finding it and sending it to me.

Original scans of the postcard.