Yaise volovik

I was saddened to hear about the petira of your special and dear father.
I remember like yesterday coming as a child to N.Y. sitting on my fathers lap by Farbrengen (he would sit next to Yisroel Shem Tov and Chazzan Moshe Teleshevsky) nd watching your father jump over everyone and running on a Hatzala call. It was a real tziur.
I remember fondly eating at your house on Shabbossim (approx. 25 years ago), me being the shy one did not want to eat much, your father picked up on it and just said “it is up to you if you will eat or not, but just remember az du vest zayn shemevdik vest du blayben hungerik”. I took his advice and I ate.
All I can say is that your father was a real special person, Yid and chossid. He is surely standing in front of the kisay hakavod demanding that the aybershter send us moshiach right now.
Hamokom yenachem eschem b’soch shear avaylay tzion v’rushalayim and from now on you should only know of simchos.
Yaise volovik